Interactive Canvas


This project is part of a group work where we were given a brief to come out ideas regarding a problem related to hand hygiene in hospitals through visual communication. The World Health Organisation estimates that 80,000 deaths per year are attributable to hospital-acquired infection costing between $35.7-45B globally. While causation for suboptimal hand hygiene is complex, a foundational problem is the mindset and how it directs human behaviour.

Research and Findings

After exploring the research materials given by the client, I looked into the findings from the interview and determined that I should target the public and make a public awareness where the public can get the message about the importance of hand hygiene. The mood board and inspiration has given me the idea of doing interactive canvas that is accessible in public areas such as the lobby, patients waiting area and corridors in hospitals and health centres. Contrary to posters hanging around hospitals with lots of information shouting to your face, I am trying to do it in a more artistic ways which looks like an art piece hanging around the hospital.

For the first presentation to client, I did a simulation video to show how will the interactive canvas is going to work.



This is the proposal for the hardware to build Interactive Canvas

This is the final build for final presentation.

Python Code

import subprocess as sp
import time
from pirDetect import *
import random
import os

##directory = ("/home/pi")

videoA = ["omxplayer","filename", "-b"]
videoB = ["omxplayer","filename", "-b"]
beforeFile = ["BV1.mp4", "BV2.mp4", "BV3.mp4"]
afterFile = ["AV1.mp4", "AV2.mp4", "AV3.mp4"]

def onMotion(currState):
if currState:
videoA[1] = (random.choice(afterFile))
subVideoA = sp.Popen(videoA)
while subVideoA.poll() is None:

videoB[1] = (random.choice(beforeFile))
subVideoB = sp.Popen(videoB)
while subVideoB.poll() is None:

objDetect = detector(7)

Final Presentation

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